2024 CSE Annual Meeting Schedule![]() May 4-7, 2024
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
1401 SW Naito Parkway Portland, Oregon 97201 Saturday, May 4
Organizers: Dr. Ruth Carlos, Dr. Jeff Jackson Faculty:Sabrina J. Ashwell, Dr. Chris Casey, Dr. Stephan Fihn, Annette Flanagin, Dr. Thomas Gerber, Carissa Gilman Course Description: The 2-day Short Course for Journal Editors is designed as an introduction for newly appointed editors and a refresher for experienced colleagues, providing a survey of the roles and responsibilities of editors of scientific journals. There will be formal presentations on the fundamentals of editorial policies, authorship and conflict of interest, DEIA reporting guidelines, content recruitment, citation metrics, editorial boards, AI, industry trends, journal management, and publishing ethics. The sessions are a combination of didactics, interactive case studies, and small group breakouts. Participants can pose their questions and problems for consideration by the faculty and other participants. Who Should Attend: Editors-in-chief, editors, associate editors, and chairs of publications committees, particularly those who are new to their position or who are taking on additional responsibility. Sunday, May 5
Organizer: Amy McPherson Faculty: Patty Baskin, Neil Christensen, Emma P. Shumeyko, Heather Staines Course Description: The 1-day Advanced Short Course on Publication Management is designed to address the challenges facing managing editors and publication managers who are already experienced in managing a journal or publication program. Previous enrollment in the more introductory Short Course on Publication Management is encouraged but is not a prerequisite. The course presumes familiarity with basic areas of management including managing people, communications, and workflow; an understanding of production processes and interactions with vendors; and experience working with editorial boards or other publication bodies as well as editors-in-chief, authors, reviewers, and other stakeholders. Discussions will cover topics related to leadership, vision, and strategic planning; effective meeting planning; verbal and nonverbal communications in the business world; change management, including interactions with parent organizations; staff development and mentoring; data sources for reporting and third party metrics; and recent developments and challenges in publishing. Discussions will include opportunities for attendees to share practical strategies, and attendees are encouraged to bring specific questions or topics for discussion. Active participation and exchange of ideas are encouraged. Who Should Attend: Experienced managing editors and those in other senior management positions in journal publishing.
Organizer and Faculty: Angela Cochran Faculty: Dana Compton, Carissa Gilman, Jason Roberts Course Description: In a rapidly changing business environment, it is more important than ever for publication managers to understand the business implications of changing dynamics. Understanding the basics of finance and strategic planning is critical to new product assessment, product evolution, and portfolio management. In other words, this 1-day course is not your grandma’s editorial shop! Further, possessing these business skills when coming from an editorial background gives people a leg up in earning those promotions and new roles in senior leadership positions. This course will cover the following topics:
Who should attend: Managing editors, publication managers, journal staff, and those in or looking to move into other management positions in the journal publishing industry
Organizers: Dr. Ruth Carlos, Dr. Jeff Jackson Faculty: Sabrina J. Ashwell, Dr. Chris Casey, Dr. Stephan Fihn, Annette Flanagin, Dr. Thomas Gerber, Carissa Gilman Course Description: The 2-day Short Course for Journal Editors is designed as an introduction for newly appointed editors and a refresher for experienced colleagues, providing a survey of the roles and responsibilities of editors of scientific journals. There will be formal presentations on the fundamentals of editorial policies, authorship and conflict of interest, DEIA reporting guidelines, content recruitment, citation metrics, editorial boards, AI, industry trends, journal management, and publishing ethics. The sessions are a combination of didactics, interactive case studies, and small group breakouts. Participants can pose their questions and problems for consideration by the faculty and other participants. Who Should Attend: Editors-in-chief, editors, associate editors, and chairs of publications committees, particularly those who are new to their position or who are taking on additional responsibility.
Organizer: Peter J Olson, ELS Faculty: Liz Blake, Tim Gray, Tricia Kershaw, Katelyn Witt Course Description: This 1-day course is designed for manuscript editors and copy editors who need to stay current in the field of scientific/medical publishing, including a review of the skills and tools required for mechanical and substantive editing of scientific material. In addition to a discussion about the basic tenets of language editing in scientific/medical texts, the course will include sessions on (1) editing scientific tables, (2) the various components of scientific research journal articles, (3) effective author correspondence, and (4) Microsoft Word tips for manuscript editors. Attendees are encouraged to share their own ideas and experiences in a room full of like-minded individuals. All attendees will receive course content as well as supplementary information electronically during the class. Attendees must furnish their own laptops to participate in this short course. Who Should Attend: Manuscript editors and copy editors (or those interested in the field) at any level of experience and expertise.
Organizer: Jill Jackson Faculty: Christina Bennett, Jeannine Botos, PhD, Annette Flanagin, Heather Goodell, Beryne Odeny, Eric Pesanelli Course Description: The objective of this 1-day course is to address ethical issues that arise in journal publication and to consider ways of investigating and resolving breaches of publication ethics. The course will present an introduction of ethical issues for the new publication editor, managing editor, or journal staff member and a review for seasoned editors, using the CSE Recommendations for Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications as a guide. It will include topics such as conflicts of interest, duplicate publication, piracy and plagiarism, data misrepresentation, image fraud, authorship disputes, editorial independence, falsification of data, and research misconduct. Participants will learn the appropriate approaches to investigate suspicions of breaches of publications' ethics and uses of errata, retractions, and expressions of concerns. Who Should Attend: Managing editors, publication managers, journal staff, and those in other management positions in the journal publishing industry.
The landscape of scientific editing and publishing is in a seemingly constant state of flux, with disruptions arising from new technologies (AI!), business models (OA!), research integrity concerns (paper mills!), and more. At the center of the scientific publishing ecosystem is an interconnected collection of societies, publishers, editors, and supporting organizations and companies working to manage these disruptions while promoting the responsible and effective communication of science. In this opening session at the CSE Annual Meeting, members of the CSE Industry Advisory Board, representing commercial publishers, consultants, and societies, will explore the ways these challenges and opportunities play out from their respective perspectives. This session aims to provide attendees with a thought-provoking foundation for the many topics they will consider throughout the meeting.
Moderator: Jenna Daenzer The session will cover the meaning of FAIR and why its principles are important. What characteristics are required to make data FAIR? What are the responsibilities of various stakeholders in FAIR data (authors, institutions, publishers, funders)? What resources are available to help guide researchers to making their data FAIR? What are some resources for journals/publishers to help ensure FAIRness of published data?
Moderators: Ginny Herbert, Kristin S. Inman, PhD, ELS To sustain scientific publication, training for various roles is needed. This three-segment session will provide opportunity to hear about and exchange experience in this regard. The first segment will address training manuscript editors through courses and in editorial offices. The second will discuss editorial fellowship programs for developing peer reviewers and editors and will describe such a program. Finally, taking a crowdsourcing approach, the third segment will engage the audience in sharing experience, especially with approaches to increasing early career engagement in peer review.
Moderator: Peter J Olson, ELS The CSE Manual, Ninth Edition, is being released in 2024—and the title isn’t the only thing that’s changed since the Eighth Edition of Scientific Style and Format was released 10 years ago. In this session, peer reviewers and chapter editors who contributed to the next iteration of CSE’s renowned reference manual will share enhanced guidelines, demonstrate new features, and convey important updates to style, usage, and policy recommendations. Additionally, representatives from the manual's publisher will provide behind-the-scenes insight into the publication process and will offer a preview of the newly designed online version of the manual.
Moderator: Kelly Hadsell Publication ethics has been of increasing concern and interest in the past few years. The NISO Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice, which will be released in the very near future, will address the dissemination of retraction information (metadata and display) to support a consistent, timely transmission of that information to the reader (machine or human), directly or through citing publications, addressing requirements both of the retracted publication and of the retraction notice or expression of concern. This session will discuss the draft Recommended Practice document and next steps in implementation.
Moderator: Chirag "Jay" Patel In this session, we explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in scholarly publishing. Specifically, we examine how AI can strengthen the integrity of academic publications and expedite the dissemination of knowledge, aligning with the overarching goal of sustainability. We emphasize the profound impact of AI on scholarly publishing workflows, highlighting the pivotal role of AI in augmenting human expertise, with sustainability at the forefront of our discussion. AI-driven tools assist editors and peer reviewers in making more informed decisions, ultimately improving the overall quality of research, a critical factor in advancing sustainable practices and innovation. These tools are indispensable in safeguarding the credibility of scholarly research by detecting plagiarism, identifying image manipulation, and upholding ethical standards, all of which are essential for the long-term sustainability of academic discourse. While the primary objective is improving research integrity, it's imperative to recognize that AI offers a multifaceted approach to sustainable scholarly communication. By automating administrative tasks, expediting the review process, and streamlining peer review, AI contributes significantly to the reduction of the environmental footprint associated with scholarly publishing, thereby promoting a more sustainable future. Furthermore, AI tools can also enhance the reader's experience by providing personalized recommendations that facilitate the efficient discovery of relevant content. This not only fosters a culture of knowledge sharing but also aligns with the sustainable dissemination of research findings. In essence, our session aims to shed light on the synergistic relationship between AI and human expertise in scholarly publishing. It connects the dots between the principles of sustainability and the transformation of academic communication. While we stress the significance of research integrity, our presentation strikes a harmonious balance between upholding rigorous standards and harnessing the potential of AI to advance efficiency, accessibility, and the long-term sustainability of scholarly communication.
Moderator: Audra Jenson This session will discuss perspectives on opportunities and challenges of the Editor-in-Chief role and how that is being shaped by the move to Open Access, from the perspective of an EIC of a new OA Journal who spent 30 years as a researcher who submitted papers versus reviewing them. These topics will be discussed by other editors and also with others in the CSE community who are the experts on how things work.
Moderator and Speaker: Tony Alves Research integrity is a problem that concerns the entire scholarly ecosystem, but scientific editors have a specific role to play in identifying fraudulent research and preventing this from entering the scholarly record. New tools are developed that can help publishers and editors in making better informed decisions. STM Solutions recently developed a Duplicate Submission Checker, which, for the first time, allows publishers and editors to detect duplicate submissions to be detected across journals, publishers and submissions systems. In this panel, three publishers that have been piloting this tool will talk about their experiences with this tool, the editorial policies that need to accompany these kind of solutions, and will also discuss sharing submitted and rejected material more in general as a method to uphold research integrity.
Moderator: Annette Flanagin Terminology, usage, and word choice are critically important, especially when describing people. In medical and science fields, inclusive language can help people write about patients, study participants, and other populations in a way that is equitable, compassionate, clear, and consistent. This session will address updates to the AMA Manual of Style inclusive language guidance, including terms used to discuss age, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, and race and ethnicity; updates to APA’s Inclusive Language Guide, including terms used to discuss body weight, neurodiversity, and pregnancy, and APA Style’s new journal article reporting standards for race, ethnicity, and culture; and updates to the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide, including inclusive narratives, framing, and sentence structures; inclusive data visualization; and accessibility.
Moderator and Speaker: Jennifer Mahar The editorial office is central to a successful journal. That editorial office and beyond should be set up for success for management. Disciplines vary but our editorial offices should all fundamentally be managing policies and workflows in a similar manner. The objective of this session is to assist editorial offices, publishers, societies, etc., with ways to staff their journals and teams with confidence, enable them to have a clear path and plan when considering staffing and share stories from the trenches. This session will also provide tips on training those that help with your journal: editors and reviewers who play a fundamental role in the process. Recruitment and retention can be challenging but robust training and support and continuing education is the cornerstone of a good editorial office and publisher in all areas. With this session there should be clear take-aways for an editorial office, publisher, society, etc., to be staffed and for that staff to be fully trained for their task.
Moderators: Dax Rodulfa-Blemberg, Daniela Saderi, Ph.D. COAlitionS has announced plans to further revolutionize scholarly publishing. The plan ‘outlines a future “community-based” and “scholar-led” open-research communication system in which publishers are no longer gatekeepers that reject submitted work or determine first publication dates’ (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03342-6). In this new plan for the future of scholarly publishing, publishers act more as service providers carrying out services to enhance publishing such as handling submissions, copy-editing, formatting, etc. Meanwhile the decisions around where to publish, peer review, and editorial decisions should remain in the hands of the community and be community-led, rather than publisher-led. This panel aims to bring together a diverse range of voices, from funders to community builders, to explore what these bold plans mean for the global scholarly community at large—what is already in place to meet these goals and what is lacking? What are the key changes that would need to be made in order to enable an open, 100% community-driven scholarly communication future? Who has power and who doesn’t and what do we need to do to ensure equity is kept in focus to enable true transformation? Although there was some resistance to the initial Plan S, it has resulted in an accelerated shift towards Open Access models. In terms of this new plan, what might the research communication landscape look like in another five years?
Moderator: Alice Ellingham This informal session will showcase a selection of posters submitted to the meeting as well as discussing the poster submission process. With a panel of CSE members who have contributed posters both in the past and present, attendees will have the opportunity to explore the intricacies of the poster process, from conception to presentation. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the poster scene, this session promises to be an light and engaging experience for all.
Moderator: Emma P. Shumeyko This session will review significant legal actions taken against journals and publishers when they take action to correct the literature associated with an allegation of research misconduct.
Moderators: Alexandra Kahler, Danny Lambert, Jennifer Mahar Paper mills and predatory publishers are using a variety of tactics that compromise the integrity of the scientific record, including selling content, fabricating or plagiarizing content, selling authorship, false representation, and manipulating peer review. In this traditional Ethics Clinic, presenters will share cases of paper mill activity and discuss the specific tools they are using and policy changes they have enacted to prevent paper mills from infiltrating and impacting their publications. Presenters will help educate participants on predatory publishers to help authors and reviewers become more aware of unethical behavior. This is an interactive session, so please come prepared to share and learn!
Moderator: Erin Landis In today’s constantly shifting scholarly publishing landscape with existing and novel disruptors, sustainability of the trained workforce is critical to its continued success and longevity. Many factors impinge upon this sustainability; some of these aspects were explored for the very first time in the Workplace Equity (WE) Survey conducted in 2018. The findings of the survey provided a shocking quantitative assessment of the race- and gender-driven disparities rampant in the scholarly publishing industry, and served as a foundation to several DEI efforts, industry-wide, to demand actionable change. To benchmark the progress made toward making our industry more inclusive and sustainable, the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), in association with the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion (C4DISC) conducted a follow-up survey in 2023. We will share the findings from this WE survey that represents a more engaged and geographically, ethnically, and gender diverse respondent cohort compared to the 2018 cohort. Drawing upon the survey findings, we will share recommendations for the sustainability of the workforce in the scholarly publishing industry.
Moderator and Speaker: Dr. Sarah Wright This session will explore how to gain and measure article attention. We will learn how Altmetric tracks article mentions and why social media editors are important. Additionally, this session will emphasize the importance of authors and editors working together to promote their articles.
Moderator: Jason Roberts Journals are struggling to find willing peer reviewers regardless of subject discipline. Journals and publishers have responded by exploring technological solutions such as algorithmically generated reviewer suggestions. But, locating a reviewer does not resolve the difficulties in converting a potential reviewer into an actual reviewer. This session aims to explore the possibilities surrounding a more ‘human’ approach towards engaging with reviewers. It seeks to rethink the currently transactional relationship between journals and reviewers and assert that efforts that focus on building community, recognition/reward, and journal-led professional growth and development (such as reviewer training) may help reset how researchers engage with journals when asked to perform peer review. The session also aims to explore diversifying reviewer pools and the insertion of other voices into the process with the expressed intent of improving the utility and inclusivity of research (as well as its quality). The topic is timely as journals continue to struggle to find willing participants in the peer review process, precisely at the time as submission levels trends upwards. The session will consist of three presentations: The first presentation involves an exploration of the increasingly broken relationship between journals and reviewers. It also introduces the concept of reviewer engagement and what journals should consider while being acutely aware of the resource issues most journals face. The second presentation will examine how numerous journals have offered training to their reviewer or society communities as a form of engagement. Training attempts to not only bolster the ranks of available reviewers but also offer guidance on how to better synthesize and write up research. This prospect of improving the quality of research both submitted and accepted for publication means training represents an especially attractive option for journals to offer early career researchers. The third presentation will review the growing use of patient reviewers to provide new and nuanced perspectives on research. Engaging with patients or patient advocates offers the potential to boost the usefulness of research, especially its real world application. Critically, it also fuels the inclusion of communities otherwise excluded from the entire research-publication endeavor. Learning Objectives:
Moderator and Speaker: Peter J Olson, ELS Do my fellow manuscript editors encounter the same problems, follow the same workflows, and have the same responsibilities that I do? How heavy of an edit is too heavy? How light is too light? Should I consider a career as a freelancer? What’s the difference between a proofreader and a copyeditor? And what is considered “manuscript editing” in the first place? This session will be facilitated by a moderator but will be conducted as an open forum in which attendees of all backgrounds will be encouraged to share their experiences, insights, and questions about what it means to be a manuscript editor in the world of scientific publishing.
Moderator: Anna Jester Have you read your Author Instructions? Have you read them recently? Are you making it as easy as possible for an Author to submit to your journal? Do you know why each of the Author Instructions exists and if the reason is still viable in 2024? Do you require Authors to reformat their paper to journal preferences prior to submission? Join us as we discuss some hard questions and hear from people who have gone through the process of standardizing their Author Instructions across journals.
Moderator and Speaker: Patty Baskin This session will consider the multiple roles that mentorship can play in publishing and other editorial workplaces. Speakers will talk about the advantages to those being mentored at entry levels and beyond but primarily focus on the growth that can result from mentoring others – including enhancing leadership skills, increasing self-awareness, maximizing strengths, and renewing your own self-esteem and sense of purpose. Talks will address the topics of leadership development through mentoring; the phenomenon of imposter syndrome, which often causes people to devalue their expertise and prevents them from volunteering to mentor others; and lessons learned from an academic publishing group’s active mentorship program and the benefits to both mentor and mentees. The session will also tackle the challenges of mentoring in remote/hybrid workplaces and best practices to make the remote mentoring experience meaningful.
Moderator and Speaker: Katie Murphy Standardization is meant to optimize the manuscript submission process and is most effective when the standards are broadly adopted. This session will address the benefits of standardizing processes across multiple journals for a best practices workflow to elevate the level of editorial oversight while maximizing the efficiency of editorial staff. Case studies will look at implementing standards across organizations journals’ and others that are developing multi-journal submission portals. Presenters will speak to the technological component of using a manuscript system to its full capability while reducing manual processes, increasing author/peer reviewer/editor satisfaction, and adhering to best practices.
Moderator: Anna Jester With the evolution of already established social media sites (i.e. Twitter/X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) and the emergence of new platforms (i.e. Bluesky, Mastodon, TikTok), it's becoming more difficult to predict and navigate where scientific communities are heading online. In this session, prominent social media users in the scholarly publishing community will discuss the changes they've noticed in recent years, their current relationship with social media, and plans for the future.
Moderator: Sowmya Swaminathan We cannot achieve a sustainable future without diversity, equity and inclusion in science. It’s crucial to making sure scientific and research-based solutions reflect and serve the global community. In this session we will discuss how addressing diversity, equity and inclusion is critical to developing a successful approach to research that addresses the sustainable development goals, and we’ll share specific ways that publishers can advance these interconnections.
Moderators: Tony Alves, Patty Baskin Can authors, reviewers, and editors use AI ethically and productively? How? Generative artificial intelligence tools are capable of drafting, editing, and reviewing scholarly articles. But should they be used and, if so, how should their use be disclosed? University staff, professional societies, and publishers are now tasked with deciding how to handle and work with AI technologies during the publication process Panelists from across scholarly publishing, including a journal editor, a research librarian, a society publisher, and an industry consultant, will attempt to answer these questions as well as engage the audience in the following:
Learning Objectives:
View posters in the Exhibit Hall throughout the meeting! The following original research will be on display: