CSE is a dynamic community of editorial professionals dedicated to the responsible and effective communication of science.The Council of Science Editors (CSE) is an international membership organization for editorial professionals publishing in the sciences. Our purpose is to serve our members in the scientific, scientific publishing, and information science communities by fostering networking, education, discussion, and exchange. Our aim is to be an authoritative resource on current and emerging issues in the communication of scientific information. Benefits of CSE MembershipCSE helps you to establish contacts and create a personal network of active professionals with similar responsibilities and interests. CSE provides you opportunities to be involved in developing and delivering education and training activities for editors-in-chief and editorial staff. CSE keeps you abreast of new standards, issues, and technologies that affect scientific publication. CSE provides you with opportunities to share your knowledge, experience, ideas, and expertise with fellow CSE members. Join TodayAnnouncementsPartner with CSE CSE Scholarship Fund Visit the CSE Career Center and Job Board Join a CSE Committee Read CSE's New DEI Scholarly Resources |