Addition or Deletion of Author before Publication

Dear [AUTHOR]:

We understand that you wish to alter the authorship of the article entitled [TITLE] by [AUTHORS]. If the change is approved, [NEW AUTHOR] would be added as a new author in the [POSITION #] of the author line. For this change to be made, the journal requires a letter signed by all authors, explicitly stating the new author list and the reason for the change. Attached is a sample letter you may wish to use as a template. After receiving the written request from all authors, the editor will make a final decision on this authorship change. Please note that if you are adding an author, the new author must also sign and return a conflict of interest form (also attached) and a statement of his/her contribution to the work. We look forward to hearing from you by [DATE].


Deletion of Author before Publication 

We understand that you wish to alter the authorship of the article entitled [TITLE] by [AUTHORS]. If the change is approved, [AUTHOR] would be removed as an author. For this authorship change to take place, we must have the reason for the change and we must secure written approval from every author on the manuscript, including the author being removed. After receiving the written request from all authors, we will make a final decision on this authorship change.


Sample Letter for Author Addition/Deletion
Editorial Office
City State Zip
Dear Editor:
We, the undersigned authors, agree to the [ADDITION/DELETION] of [NAME] from/to the authorship on our manuscript [#NUMBER] entitled [TITLE] and acknowledge the order of appearance as [NEW AUTHORSHIP LIST HERE]. (If adding author, new author must sign; if deleting author, deleted author must sign.)
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Author name   _________________________________
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