Subcommittee Chair: “CSE Web Editor”
Appointed by the Chair, the subcommittee chair may serve up to a three-year term and is responsible for guiding the subcommittee in accomplishing the objectives defined in this charter.
Estimated Time Commitment ● 10 hours per month; includes one teleconference per month.
Qualifications ● Demonstrated ability and willingness to work effectively and collaboratively in a group. ● Demonstrated leadership and professionalism.
Requirements ● Volunteers must be CSE members in good standing.
General Duties ● Understand CSE strategic objectives, budget and resources assigned to the subcommittee. ● To the extent possible, replace one-third of the subcommittee members annually. ● Submit necessary updates to subcommittee charter as needed. ● Provide onboarding support for subcommittee members. ● Provide oversight of subcommittee activity and ensure objectives are met annually. ● Develop and communicate a subcommittee meeting schedule, ensure distribution of meeting agendas prior to meetings, facilitate discussion during meetings, determine and request budget needs annually. ● Participate in discussion related to developing a training program.