CSE Publication Certificate Program Requirements

CSE Certificate Program enrollees are required to complete a project showing the breadth of knowledge gained in the program. In general terms, this project should be in the form of either an article for Science Editor or a poster presentation at the CSE Annual Meeting or both. Enrollees are encouraged to wait to submit a project until all other requirements are met, however they may do the project in tandem to the program.

To see examples of the kind of project envisioned, enrollees should look at past poster presentations and the CSE Publication Certificate collection in Science Editor.

Here are some other pertinent examples from the Science Editor archive:

Science Editor

Research article: Frustration With the Submission Process/System: Results From Survey Data by Jennifer Parresol
Science Editor•September 2022•Vol 45•3

Research article: Understanding the Importance of Copyediting in Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts by Resa A Roth
Science Editor•Summer 2019• Vol 42•2

Research article: Optimizing the Output of a Freelance Editing Model: Value Added by an In-house Reviewing Team by Clarinda Cerejo and Naveen Rajan
Science Editor • October – December 2012 • Vol 35 • No 1 • 5 (also presented as a poster)

Survey article: CSE 2012 Survey on Research Misconduct Allegations by Debra Parrish
Science Editor • October – December 2012 • Vol 35 • No 1 • 11

Review article: Peer Review at Journals: Some Innovative Approaches by Christina Sumners
Science Editor • July – August 2010 • Vol 33 • No 4 • 115

Poster Sessions

Topics over the last few years include:

  • How complete and clear are author guidelines of international English-language journals?
  • Editorial burden and reader-perceived value of supporting online materials
  • Affecting editor behavior with data
  • Giving authors the information they want post-publication
  • Factors influencing the media coverage of a large interdisciplinary journal
  • Open versus blind peer review in a Danish medical journal – a randomized controlled trial
  • Impact factor trends for general medical journals: non-English-language journals are lagging behind


The paper or project should include either some research or data collection on ‎part of the participant. The subcommittee wants to see that this project will take ‎some effort to complete and will have teaching points to others in the field. ‎

A short description (250 words or less) of the project must be provided to the CSE Certificate Program Subcommittee by completing the project submission form. Project proposals will be reviewed by the subcommittee on a quarterly basis. Feedback will be provided on the project scope and once the concept has been approved, the enrollee may complete the research and submit the final project (poster or article) to the subcommittee. Participants who wish to complete their project by the CSE Annual Meeting should submit their project proposal no later than December 31. Enrollees may submit an unformatted poster at this point as changes may be requested. Once the final project has been submitted, it will be evaluated by the subcommittee, which will make a determination about whether more work is needed or the project is complete and passes the requirement.

NOTE: Depending on the scope of the project undertaken, there may be other individuals who should receive credit as co-authors of the project. The enrollee must be the lead “investigator” and writer. That said, give credit where credit is due. If a co-author is not in the Certificate Program but decides to enter the program later, he or she will NOT be able to use this project to fulfill his or her requirement.

Enrollees who choose to write a paper are encouraged to submit their paper to Science Editor. The “project complete” letter from the task committee should be submitted with the paper. All papers are subject to the peer review process of the Science Editor editorial board.

Enrollees who choose to complete a poster are encouraged to present it at the annual meeting and should submit the abstract to the Research Committee by the deadlines provided to the membership in advance of the annual meeting. Poster abstracts will undergo review by the Research Committee. Please note that if your abstract is accepted, you must present the poster at the annual meeting.

Posters presented at the conference often can be made into an article for Science Editor with very little effort. The poster is essentially the outline for the paper. Enrollees choosing to do a poster are encouraged to turn the poster into an article and submit it to Science Editor.

Completing the Program

Enrollees who complete the program requirements and have an approved project will graduate from the program. Certificates will be presented at the Awards Luncheon of the Annual Meeting and announced on the CSE Website and in Science Editor. A letter from the current CSE President will also be sent to the graduate’s immediate supervisor.

CSE Certificate Program Subcommittee

Morgan Sorenson, Chair
Angela Cochran
Carissa Gilman
Lee Ann Kleffman
Rachel Taylor