Request for Investigation by Author’s Institution


Concern has been raised about research conducted at your institution and reported in the article listed above. As the editor of the journal, I must take seriously any allegation that if true would violate the journal’s publishing policies (as set forth in our ethics statement and our instructions to authors).

[Describe the substance of the complaint or attach a copy of the communication raising the concern]

I have separately written to the author in question at your institution, asking for a response to the allegations within 30 days.

I have received no response within the allotted time.
I have received a response from the author (describe the substance of the response or attach a copy). This response does not satisfactorily address the concern described above.

Because your institution has the most knowledge about the research in question and is responsible for the research, I request that you initiate the appropriate investigation and keep me informed about your progress. The journal may revise the publication record on the basis of your investigation and my editorial judgment.


Copy: [author]

[NOTE: IF NO RESPONSE IS RECEIVED, THE FOLLOWING REMINDER MAY BE SENT: I have not received a reply to my communication of [date]. Please note that if we do not receive an adequate response by (date), we may be forced to conclude that the allegations outlined in that communication are truthful.]


[Adapted with permission from Elsevier]